Sunday, April 7, 2013

Resources for getting help&more info

Most people think they know about eating disorders. In fact some people naively believe they are experts on this "simple" topic. Umm I think we all know that is far from true. So I put together a bunch of links to the best websites because trust me, typing in "eating disorder" on google will come up with a lot of shit that is probably more hurtful than helpful. But you have to remember, eating disorders come in all shapes and sizes, just because you might not fully meet the medical "criteria" for anorexia, bulimia, BED, that does not mean you are not sick. In fact many eating disorders, known as EDNOS, are a combination of many symptoms or even some that tend to fly under the diagnosis radar. These websites are also great with tools and ways to get help such as hotlines and treatment centers near you. They also link to some great videos, podcast, and information on how to support friends and family.  My favorite is NEDA because they are just such a great organization that is keeping up with current technology to keep connected with victims and support people. You can sign up to get their emails and updates about what's going on in the world of eating disorders and how you can help out and give back. Of course all of these are just suggestions and yes, none of them are going to be that magic "fix". By clicking on the link you are not automatically going to recovery and become better instantly. Personally, I feel that the only way you can truly get and receive help is to seek it out yourself because you want it. That is the tricky part about eating disorders, getting approval from others or doing things for all the wrong reasons. Recovery has to be your choice and even though it's not going to happen over night or even in a few months, you need to stay committed. I believe in you and you should to! Stay strong and fight on.

Sophie Ana

Eating Disorder Resources:
National Eating Disorder Association

Something Fishy

Eating Disorders Online


Born This Way 

Jenni Schaefer 

Find an EDA meeting near you 

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